Tuesday 6 October 2009

Street Photography Street photography

After someone questioned why i need to read fashion magazines when there is so much fashion everywhere you look, i started to think about street photography and how it would be possible to portray the idea that different streets/areas around london have different people/trends that you can see without looking in a magazine. Playing on the idea of taking a magazines normal layout/content and turning it on its head.

Who needs a magazine when you can open your eyes when you are walking down the street? How to communicate this?

Street photography is a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets,parks, beaches, malls, political conventions, and other settings.

Street photography uses the techniques of straight photography in that it shows a pure vision of something, like holding up a mirror to society. Street photography often tends to be ironic and can be distanced from its subject matter, and often concentrates on a single human moment, caught at a decisive or poignant moment. On the other hand, much street photography takes the opposite approach and provides a very literal and extremely personal rendering of the subject matter, giving the audience a more visceral experience of walks of life they might only be passingly familiar with.

Robert Doisneau

Henri Cartier

Nils Jorgensen

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